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Constitution of Washington County Democratic Party


Constitution of the Washington County Democratic Party (As adopted in August 2007)


ARTICLE I - NAME The organization hereby constituted shall be called the Washington County Democratic Party.


 ARTICLE II - PURPOSES AND GENERAL AUTHORITY Sec. 1. Purpose. The purposes of the Washington County Democratic Party shall be:


 A. To function as an integral part of the Iowa Democratic Party;


 B. To establish and perpetuate a representative, effective, and responsible Party organization;


 C. To help advance the interests of the Democratic Party in Washington County, Iowa, in the Second District of Iowa, in the State of Iowa, and nationally;


 D. To sustain and advance principles of social justice and democracy; and


 E. To uphold civil rights, civil liberties, and constitutional government generally.


 Sec. 2. General Authority. The Washington County Democratic Party is authorized to adopt such by-laws, resolutions, or other measures otherwise consistent with this Constitution as may be necessary and proper to carry out those purposes articulated in Section 1 of this Article.




Sec. 1. Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party. The Washington County Democratic Party shall be bound by the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party.


 Sec. 2. Right to Vote, Chair a Committee or hold Office. All registered Democrats are encouraged to attend the monthly Democratic meetings. Only those with current paid memberships in the Washington County Democratic Party are eligible to vote, chair a committee, or hold office.


 Sec. 3. Biennial convention. In accordance with the call of the Iowa Democratic Party Chair, there shall be held a biennial Washington County Democratic convention, which shall be the supreme governing body of the Washington County Democratic Party. A delegate or alternate to a Washington County Democratic convention shall not be charged a fee or asked to sign a fee waiver. A convention delegate or alternate may be asked to make a voluntary contribution to defray convention expenses as long as such a contribution is clearly labeled as voluntary, not referred to as a fee, and not requested until after the delegate or alternate is fully registered at the convention.


 Sec. 4. Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. When the biennial Washington County Democratic Convention is in adjournment, the Washington County Democratic Party Committee as a Whole shall be the governing body of the Democratic Party of Washington County, Iowa, provided that it shall function in accord with this Constitution and with the express policies of the Washington County Democratic Convention.


 Sec. 5. Reorganization Meeting. The Washington County Democratic Party shall convene a reorganization meeting in March of odd numbered years for the purpose of electing Officers, Standing Committee Chairs, Delegates to 2nd District Central Committee, and County Convention Chairs for Arrangements, Rules and Nominations, and Credentials Committees. 




Sec. 1. Voting Members. Every Presidential Election year, each Washington County precinct, meeting in caucus, shall elect a Precinct Captain to be a voting member of the Washington County Democratic Central Committee, to serve until the next precinct caucus. The Precinct Captains primary responsibility will be to chair the Precinct Caucus. 


 Sec. 2. Attendance at Committee Meetings. Central Committee members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled Central Committee meetings. Infrequent absences may be excused if the member notifies the Secretary or the Chair that said member would be unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting. 


 Sec. 3. Standing Committee Membership. Appointment to Standing Committees shall be as described in the Bylaws. 


 Sec. 4. Removal from Central Committee Membership. The Central Committee may remove any member or officer of the Central Committee from membership for non-residency, inattention to duty, incompetence, or support of a candidate for public office that is running against a candidate nominated by the county, state, or national Democratic Party. Procedures for removal from membership shall be as provided in the Bylaws.


 Sec. 5. Vacancies filled by Central Committee. If a vacancy occurs on the Central Committee the position shall be filled by a majority vote of the Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole at a properly called meeting. Notice of the meeting shall state that vacancies of the Washington County Democratic Central Committee may be filled. Any person elected to a vacancy by the Central Committee shall serve until the precinct caucuses during the next even-numbered year. 




Sec 1. Officers. The officers of the Washington County Democratic Party shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.


 Sec 2. Executive Committee. The Officers of the Washington County Democratic Party shall form the Executive Committee. 


 Sec. 3. Election of Officers. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall meet and organize the biennial reorganizational meeting, which shall be held within the month of March in odd-number years, or as specified in the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party or in appropriate state statute. The exact date shall be set by the Chair with the approval of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. Notice of this meeting shall be provided The Washington County Democratic Party members no later than 20 days before the meeting using meeting notice procedures as specified in the Bylaws. The current Chair shall preside over the meeting until the election of a new Chair. The first order of business of this meeting shall be the adoption of rules governing the election of officers, following which shall be the election of officers by majority vote. Officers shall take office immediately upon election. Following election of officers, the meeting shall next elect the appropriate number of delegates to 2nd District Central Committee, one or more Chairs of each Standing Committee and County Convention Chairs for Arrangements, Rules and Nominations, and Credentials Committees by majority vote. Upon ratification of this section by The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, all Officers and Standing Committee Chairs previously elected shall continue to serve in their positions until the next reorganization meeting which shall happen in March of the next odd numbered year, at which time The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall reorganize as specified in this section. 


 Sec 4. Parliamentarian. The Chair may appoint a Parliamentarian, who shall provide guidance to the Chair on all matters of parliamentary procedure. 


 Sec. 5. Qualifications. Officers and Standing Committee Chairs elected under Article IV and V shall be registered paid members of the Washington County Democratic Party. Sec. 6. Term of Office. The term of office for each Officer and Standing Committee Chair elected under this article shall begin immediately upon election by The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, and shall continue until the next biennial reorganizational meeting of The Washington County Democrats, and until the successor is elected and qualified; unless he or she is sooner removed for non residency, inattention to duty, incompetence, or support of a candidate for public office who is running against a candidate nominated by the county, state, or national Democratic Party. Procedures for removal of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs shall be provided for in the Bylaws. 





 Sec. 1. Duties of Chair. The Chair shall serve as Chief Executive Officer. The Chair shall chair meetings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, of the Central Committee and of the Executive committee. The Chair shall appoint ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary. 


 Sec. 2. Operational Plan. No later than May 15 of each odd-numbered year, the Chair shall provide to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole a two-year operational plan for the Washington County Democratic Party prepared with the input of the Executive Committee. This plan shall become effective upon adoption by a majority vote of the Central Committee.


 Sec. 3. Duties of the Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of the Chair is absent and shall otherwise assist the Chair in the performance of his or her duties. 


 Sec. 4. Duties of the Immediate Past Chair. The Immediate Past Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in the absence of both the Chair and the Vice Chair, and shall otherwise assist the Chair in the performance of his or her duties, and shall chair the Community Events Standing Committee. 


 Sec. 5. Duties of Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for all minutes of meetings, mailings, files and records except those specifically required to be in the possession of the Treasurer. The Secretary shall prepare and maintain such minutes, documents, files and records as may be necessary to the operation of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, and in accordance with the Bylaws. The Secretary shall maintain accurate lists of Central Committee members and Democratic Party activists, and shall keep accurate records of attendance at The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meetings and minutes of each meeting, which shall be transferred in good condition to the Secretary’s successor in office. 


 Sec. 6. Duties of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain records of assets, liabilities, income and expenditures of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole meetings, and shall make reports as provided in the Bylaws. The Treasurer, with the approval of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, shall determine who shall have custody of the funds of the Party that are within control of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all records and for the completion of a filing of all reports required by the State of Iowa. The Treasurer shall provide to each biennial County Convention written accounts for all receipts and disbursements occurring since the last biennial convention. The Treasurer shall work with the Budget Committee to prepare a biennial budget for the Party.


 Sec. 7. Additional Duties of Officers. Officers shall perform other duties as prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. 




Sec. 1. Establishment of Standing Committees. Standing Committees shall be established to manage the following functions: A. Affirmative Action B. Platform C. Candidate Development D. Community Events 


 Sec. 2. Inclusiveness. To the maximum extent possible, all committees shall include men, women, persons of various age groups, persons of different races, persons with disabilities, persons with different sexual orientations, and economically disadvantaged persons in reasonable relationship to the proportional membership of these groups in the Washington County Democratic Party. 


 Sec. 3. Duties and Responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the standing committees shall be as specified in the Bylaws. The responsibilities and powers of the Affirmative Action Committee shall be as provided in the Constitution of the Iowa Democratic Party.


Sec. 4. Duties of Standing Committee Chairs. Standing Committee Chairs shall be responsible for the effective and efficient operations of their committees. They shall organize their committees in whatever ways best carry out their defined functions, subject to any specific requirements of this Constitution and the Washington County Democratic Bylaws. Chairs shall have the authority to appoint subcommittees and identify leadership for those subcommittees. Any such subcommittees shall report directly to their Standing Committee Chair. Chairs shall be responsible for keeping clear records of committee membership and attendance and shall provide attendance records to the Secretary on an as needed basis. 




Sec. 1. Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Committee may meet for the purpose of carrying out the business of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole between regular meetings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole, in accordance with the Bylaws. 


 Sec. 2. Authority of Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act on behalf of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole between meetings of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole; however, if it is impractical for the Executive Committee to meet for such purpose, the Chair shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Executive Committee. No event, activity, function, or statement shall be represented as offered by or on behalf of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole without the consent of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall have the authority to overrule the Executive Committee or the Chair by majority vote in any properly convened meeting. 


 Sec. 3. Biennial Budget. No later than May 15 of each odd-numbered year, the Chair shall present a biennial budget (2 year budget) to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole for its approval. The budget cycle shall run from June 1 of an odd-numbered year through May 31 of the succeeding odd-numbered year. Approval shall be by majority vote. This budget shall include estimated operating expenditures for events and revenues from fundraising activities. The Budget Committee, as appointed by the Chair, shall prepare the budget. The Executive Committee shall approve the proposed budget by majority vote prior to its submission to The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall reserve the right to modify the budget at any time it appears necessary to do so. 


 Sec. 4. Audit. An audit of all financial records and transactions of The Washington County Democrats’ accounts shall be made between January 1st and March 1st. A report of each audit shall be made available to each member and officer of The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole. 


 Sec. 5. Lists. The Executive Committee may authorize the use of any lists maintained by the Washington County Democratic Party by individuals and organizations, but shall not be required to do so. Any authorization of the use of lists shall be consistent with any provisions made in the Bylaws. 


 ARTICLE IX - The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole 


Sec. 1. Regular Meetings. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall hold regular monthly meetings. 


 Sec. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called as needed. 


 Sec. 3. Notice of Meetings. Notice of meetings, and the proceedings of any meeting, shall be as provided in the Bylaws. 


 Sec. 4. Open Meetings. All meetings of the Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall be open to the public.

ARTICLE X - ELECTED OFFICIALS Any state or county elected official who is a registered Democrat (or any registered Democrat filling a state or county partisan office by appointment) representing part or all of Washington County who runs as a candidate against or supports another candidate for elective office who is running against a candidate nominated by the county, state, or national Democratic Party may be sent a public letter of reprimand from the Chair. Procedures for such letters shall be provided in the bylaws. 




Sec. 1. Non-Partisan Elections. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole may endorse candidates for non-partisan office as prescribed in the Bylaws. 


 Sec. 2. Ballot Issues/Bond Referenda. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole may endorse a vote for or against a ballot issue or bond referendum as prescribed in the Bylaws. 


 Sec. 3. Partisan Primaries. The Washington County Democratic Committee as a Whole shall not endorse any candidate in any partisan primary election. 


 ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS This Constitution may be amended at any County Convention by a majority of the accredited delegates so assembled. All proposed amendments must be submitted to the Convention in writing, and must be delivered to the Chair of the Washington County Democratic Party at least 14 days prior to the call of the County Convention.

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